The African Potential Trust operates under the guidelines espoused in our trust deed and outlined in the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment legislation, enabling us to support three of the five B-BBEE pillars.
All business units operate in accordance with the above determined corporate governance principles, in addition the King Codes on Corporate Governance, and to those of the jurisdiction wherein a project is being implemented, with clear adherence at all times to group values.
Dr Jenny Coetzee (PhD Public. Health, MA Research Psychology)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1977
Prof Glenda E Gray (MBBCH, FCPaeds, DSc, DSc, LLD)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1962
Prof Mosa Moshabela (MBChB, MSc, PhD)
Black, Male, South African
YOB: 1979
Ms Nerine Kahn (LLB, NQF 7 in mediations and arbitration)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1966
Prof Glenda E Gray (MBBCH, FCPaeds, DSc, DSc, LLD)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1962
Dr Jenny Coetzee (PhD, MA, BA Applied Psychology)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1977
Ms Venice Mbowane (MPh, BSocSci)
Black, female, South African
YOB: 1977
Dr Lieve Fransen (MD, PhD, MA)
White female Belgian
YOB: 1950
Dr Ziyaad Dangor (MBBCH, F.C. Paed, M Med, PhD, Cert. Pulm)
Indian, Male, South African
YOB: 1981
Ms Minja Milovanovic (MA Research Psychology)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1987
Dr Jenny Coetzee (PhD, MA, BA Applied Psychology)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1977
Ms Minja Milovanovic (MA Research Psychology)
White, female, South African
YOB: 1987